Saturday, June 18, 2011

How to stay on a diet - Tips on how to diet and lose weight How to stay on a diet - Tips on how to diet and lose weight Do you find it hard to stay on a diet? You're on, you're off, and you never really lose the weight. Yeah, us too. Here are some practical ways to keep you on track from Shape magazine's Trisha Calvo. Keywords: how to diet how to stay on a diet



  2. TheSecretsOfLife2011June 18, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    'Naturally thin' people's body use food in a way that regulates their weight and they don't get fat. Same food. Same exercise. But you stay thin or get thin if you started off with excesss weight.

    For more information watch The Secrets Of Weight Loss on my channel.

  3. Hey Girls CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL IF YOUR STRUGGLING WITH WEIGHT, and need advice, or tips, about weight loss or just wanna join my journey !:)

  4. iamhappy4beinhappyJune 18, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    0:14 nice smile !

  5. @anasgirl496 maybe her nose is just a pig nose hahhaa

  6. low carb don't need to be a bad word if you want to loose weight !

    it is a easy as popping a pill and see results !

  7. its impossible to lose 20 lbs a month?

  8. You don't know how to lose weight ? You are here /MDGRNP

  9. GirlsSNSDGenerationJune 18, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    @lcherry58 it is possible to lose 20pounds in 1month

  10. @GirlsSNSDGeneration it is not healthy at all.

  11. !-The Diet Solution Program-!

    !-How To Lose Weight-!­k

  12. !-The Diet Solution Program-!
    !-How To Lose Weight-!

  13. FreeOnlineWorkoutsJune 18, 2011 at 3:34 PM

    This is so inspirational, thanks for posting.

    I'm in the process of losing my weight and I've been following the exercise programs for the Attack That Fat package.


    I've lost 9lbs so far in the month of May and hopefully next month will be more of the same. I'm so happy :)

  14. I think eating a lot of fish is good? Since the omega 3 in it is good for your body. Just go to the gym more often or walk your dog one extra time. But I guess I wouldn't know that much since I don't -exactly- need to lose any weight. Any suggestions on losing stomach fat?

  15. ok so that works with pasta.....

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  18. These are some great tips, thank you. I heard chewing gum helps you to not eat as much, is that true?

  19. i am 16 years old i am Five-foot, three inches and weigh 146 pounds.
    diet tips for me?

  20. should i try with some of these: circlepad . com / altmed / Found_PRODUCTS

  21. The girl in orange has great eyes :)

  22. عن تجربة شخصية لقد ;كنت منذ عامم هووسة بكل ما هو خاص بالحصول علي الوزن المثالي وكم جربت من خلطات ووصفات وكلها كانت فاشلة واكتشفت انني ضيعت من عمري سنوات وكم من اموال واخييرا سمعت عن موقع وبرامج الدكتور خالد لتخفيف الوزن والتخسيس عن بعد وكنت خائفة في البداية ولكني

    والحمد لله وفقني الله واشتركت مع دكتور خالد وموقعة ( الامل – خالد – للرشاقة ) ونقص وزني 50 كيلو في 9 اشهر ، قد يقول البعض انني اسوي دعاية له ولكن ولكن هذا ما حدث معي - وعقابلكم جميعا يارب

  23. how to stay on a diet... create a healthy lifestyle.. simple! =) then again, the only way to burn fat is to do some kind of HIIT exercise that you enjoy, weight training, and eating right. Its gotta be a lifestyle to maintain it. The problem for 95% of people is when they focus to much on calorie burning or a calorie deficit get fetter once they stop. just google "your fit assist" because it explains it more.
